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Does Osteopathic treatment hurt?

Treatment is not normally painful for anyone, however, some of the techniques we use can be uncomfortable, depending on your condition but we are always mindful of discomfort that you can manage. We always work within each individuals pain tolerance and if anything is too painful there is always an alternative technique we can use.

We vary our techniques and treatment protocols depending on the patient being seen. We often use very gentle techniques (especially for babies and the elderly) these are often totally painless.

How long does a treatment last?

We book 30-40 minutes for each session and occionaslly extend this when required. You will spend this time one-on-one with your osteopath.

Does ACC cover Osteopaths?

We are fully ACC registered practice - we do a quick bit of paper work to get a claim lodged and your treatment subsidised. You do not need to see your doctor for this.

Do I need to see a doctor first?

No. Although we do receive many referrals from GP's, Osteopaths are trained to identify any underlying conditions or risk factors so we are able to accept patients on a self referral basis. We can also do all your paperwork for an ACC claim.

What Should I Wear?

Preferably loose clothing such as t-shirt and track pants or similar. Treatment does potentially involve moving you around so avoid wearing anything that restricts movement if possible.

Do Osteopaths 'crack' and manipulate joints?

Osteopaths use many techniques. Your osteopath may use manipulation (crack) if we feel it is indicated and only if you are comfortable with one - we have a diverse range of techniques to use as alternatives if required. A manipulation is very safe and only used when it is necessary and appropriate. The clicking sound is caused by a change of pressure when the joint is released and confirms the release of a joint.

How many times do I need to come?

This depends on the severity or chronicity of your problem. Acute problems in young people may only require one or two visits. More chronic, complex problems may require much more treatment. Your osteopath will be able to advise you after your first session.

Does it matter if I'm pregnant?

No, treatment can still be done and is fully safe. We will vary our techniques depending on your condition. There are lots of pregnancy related conditions that respond extremely well to treatment, such as pelvic or pubis pain and low back pain.

Are my personal details safe?

All information you share with us is confidential. Osteopaths are bound by the HPC AA act which requires us to protect your confidentiality.

Do you use 'Cranial Osteopathy'?

Yes. It can be a very effective but gentle technique. Cranial is most often used with babies and children. It is also very useful for headaches and migraine but can be used for all sorts of problems.

Still Have a Question?

Gentle Effective Treatment

  • Lower Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Sports Injuries
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Arthritis & Rheumatism
  • Pregnancy Lower-back Pain
  • Muscle & Joint Problems
  • Repetitive Strain & Occupational Overuse Injury
  • Strains & Sprains
  • Cranial Osteopathy
  • Babies & Children
  • Plus Many Other Musculo-skeletal Problems
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